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The Boy Pharaoh


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This site is very interesting. It gives the media's spin on the discovery of the tomb, the mummy, and curse. It was so bad that Mr. Carter was actually tired of the press following him around. He was "sick to death of reporters." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle even added his two cents in when he heard the death of Lord Carnarvon . He said that the death could have been because of "elemental" or "curses" that guarded the tomb of King Tut. One that I found interesting was that "Several American politicians went so far as to call for an investigation of mummies to determine whether or not these possessed the same medical dangers as those thought to be apparent in the tomb." I have posted some newspaper clippings in the photo page.


This site also gives information on the media's involvement with the curse. This article blames the newspapers at the time of Tut's tomb discovery for the curse frenzy. It actually makes a few good points about how the media spread the news of the curse like wildfire. This reason I have chosen to use this site is because it explains that if anything goes wrong with the London tour of King Tut's artifacts it will spread again. Though the rival newspapers may have been fighting for that next story on the new discovery, a story has to begin somewhere. It began over 3,000 years when the curse was wrote inside the tomb.

Larry Orcutt actually has a website explaining his own credentials at . He has a degree in Psychology. In the beginning he had no interest in the Egyptian Culture. After a few trips to Egypt he was "hooked" as he called it. He enjoys research on Egypt even though he has had no formal training of Egyptology. He is currently the Division Chief at Division of Research and Innovation located in California.